Guide on Eye Laser Surgery! All the details you need on eye laser surgery technology!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lasix Surgery Side Effects

In my last article i talked about the risks of lazic surgery. Today i will look in more details at lasix surgery side effects. By side effects i mean the various issues that often occur after the surgical procedure.

1) One of the main side effects and which is the most frequent, is having temporarly a blurring of your vision which can be quite annoying. You will not be able to drive, or will have difficulties doing activities which require using carefuly your eyes.

2)You might also have a high sensitivity to bright light, which can give you heavy head aches, but this will slowly disappear as your eye gets used to the light.

3) In some cases, your eye might feel a bit dry. This is normal, you should not panic. Also if it feels a bit itchy, well dont touch it, and if ever it becomes too annoying you should ask advice at your eye laser surgeon.

These are the most common issues that occur after lasix surgery. Also i just wanted to add that for those who have had wavefront surgery to go and see regularly their eye specialist after their surgical operation for precaution.