Eye Laser Surgery is becoming more and more used in order to correct vision problems and is becoming a serious alternative to
contact lenses. If you are reading this articly i guess you are wondering whether you should go for
contact lenses or for
eye laser surgery! I would say keep you contacts or
color contacts until your vision has stabilized then defenitely go for
lasik surgery!
Well the first main advantage of
eye laser surgery is that you dont need to wear anything to see proparly. Once the medical surgery has taken place and that your recovery period has ended you will see just as anyone without eye sight issues! This is great for several reasons. The main one is for your look, but also for your comfort! No more head aches or eye aches! I would especially recommend
lasik surgery for people who practice sport or who are in the fashion world.
Nevertheless an issue with
eye laser surgery is that it is possible (if you are unlucky and did not choose a good surgeon) to have some problems right after the surgery but these will slowly dissappear! Also if your sight is still evolving then, you might need to go back to
contact lenses if you did your surgery too early. So it is very important to do surgery only once your vision has stabilized!
All in all i would recommend
eye laser surgery as it has become a very safe and frequent surgery which offers you a radical change in your life! No more glasses or contacts! But for those who seem worried about the surgery and possible medicals problems afterwards, you can always wait a couple of years for technology to evolve even more and therefore will minimise the risks!