Guide on Eye Laser Surgery! All the details you need on eye laser surgery technology!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cost of Eye Laser Surgery

For those thinking about doing eye laser surgery, you are probably wondering how much this would cost you! In fact the cost of eye laser surgery will vary depending on many differents factors.

The first element which will have an impact on the price of laser surgery is where you live. The price of the procedure is different in each state. For example in the US the price for eye laser surgery in New York is higher than in San Fransisco which is higher than in Colorado!

The second element which will influence the price of your LASIK surgery will be where you decide to be operated. The most expensive locations will be private clinics or speciliazed eye treatments centers but the services and quality of the surgeons will be very high; where as in hospitals, the price will be lower, but the quality of the service an the surgeons will also be probable slightly lower.

So really all depends what you are looking for. If you are looking for a safe and top quality place to have the surgery then go to a private specialized treatment center, as they will take care of you very nicely with famous eye doctors. On the other hand if you are rather short in terms of money then you should go to hospital. Going to hospital does not mean that it is dangerous. Most people are totally satisfied with hospitals and there are rarely problems. Nevertheless there are less risks with a famous eye doctor than with a normal hospital eye specialist.

So what is the average price for LASIK surgery? The average price is around $2000 dollars per eye depending on the criterias mentioned above. My recommendation would be to go in the best treatment location possible because loosing an eye or damaging it for a few hundred bucks would be really stupid. Another solution, if you feel reluctant to laser surgery would be to simply use contact lenses or color contacts where you can even change the color of your eye!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lasik Eye Surgical Procedure

LASIK Eye Surgery is a procedure which is used to correct your vision. Basically it is a surgical procedure which is an alternative to the need to wearing glasses or contact lenses. In fact LASIK is a refractive surgical procedure which after the surgical operation can allow someone to obtain a vision of 20/20. But how does LASIK work? Well in fact it permanently changes the shape of your cornea so that your able to see proparly again!

But what does the LASIK surgical procedure consist in? During the surgery, a laser is used in order to cut a thin part (circular in most cases) in the cornea of your eyes. This thin part is then moved away so that the middle part of the cornea can be seen. Then, with a computer controlled laser minute bits of this section of the cornea are removed and reshaped if necessary. This is the most complex part of the operation. Once the operation is accomplished, your eye and in particular the the cornea is reshaped correctly and will allow you to have a clearer vision. LASIK eye surgery can be used in order to correct different sorts of vision issues such as the near/far sighted issues or even astigmatism!